I live in the Bible belt and it's voting season. I was visited by a person campaigning and was slightly annoyed that they mentioned the candidate was a 'good christian' who attended such & such church. As if their church affiliation would make me doo-si-do in their direction!
The only way to win in these here parts is join one of the right Christian groups. Nothing too radical like Mormonism or Catholicism either. Joe Politician must serve the communitay and he can't be moral without Jesus. I think we should go back to the biblical days of yore, where elected officials were anointed directly by some old fart with a horn, oil and a heifer. That way the candidate can truly say they art better than thee. Take that, King Saul! (1 Sam 15) This also has a double benefit of taking away the woman vote. Finally, the ugly candidate has a chance, since everyone knows women just vote for the cute one.
And in other news, Lisa Nova has one of the world's most beautiful smiles, yo.
I had to stop for gas the other day on a road trip. I stopped at a JetPep, and felt a familiar panicky feeling as I realized this was the JetPep near my former church. I remembered the painful anxiety attacks I would get going out door to door. Then a major flood of relief as I realized those days are over & I will NEVER knock another strangers' door again. No more do I have to avoid making friendships with people, out of the fear that I must convert them. No longer will I subject a co-worker or relative to a quiz session on their salvation.
I'm mostly agnostic with some atheist leanings. Let's face it, accepting fundamentalism means accepting that the majority of your friends, co-workers and relatives are going to hell. Although they didn't exactly say it, I got the idea that my church ascribed to the KJVO method of salvation. (If you did not use the KJV, you are not saved.) On principle alone, this makes God a dick anyway If he would send someone to hell because they believed IN Jesus [NIV] vs. ON Jesus [KJV] John 3:16. On this technicality alone thousands of unfortunate souls can believe they are saved, attend church 3 times a week and still go directly to hell.
I used to be so preoccupied with thinking everyone was on their way to hell. Everyone. The idea that God would send people to hell even if they never even heard of him, believed the wrong religion, etc. was unsettling. Then I came to realize that someone who was supposed to be all powerful & all knowing was really just an ass. I also wanted nothing to do with him. I guess I'm not the only one who feels that way.
satire: /ˈsætaɪər/ [sat-ahyuhr] 2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
I aim to entertain. If you take anything on this blog too seriously, you'll be a sad, sad person.