Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Higher Education is for Fools

One day god is going to destroy the entire earth, so all the treasures on this earth are in vain. No need to pursue any outside career that will provide for your retirement, medical care, vacation, children. Fundies obsession with the destruction & end of the world often comes at the expense of common sense. (I know, right?) Jesus is coming back, might be this very day. Therefore, it is totally unnecessary for you to waste your money in the Devils' Institution. Besides, that whole pile of money could be better used at the church house.

Some of the more Gung-Holy fundies unfortunately lack a total trust that god will take care of them. For them, it's off to Bible College. No mind that it is totally unaccredited. Gung-Holy will be content with doing the exact same job for the REST OF HIS LIFE, and will never be laid off, downsized, or lose business. Or, if they do choose a different path,
employers don't care about that stuff anyway. As long as you 'feel a calling in your heart' to be surgeon, that appendectomy will come out just fine.

"Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last."


  1. Excellent topic - excellent pic. I might hire you to do a flow-chart for me sometime - "hire" as in ask nicely. Seriously. No money involved - because it's not like you can take it with you when you die.
