Saturday, November 6, 2010

J.O.Y. wonderful concept, dangerous practice

I'm back, baby! Let's just say I took some time out to um, er, reflect. Or perhaps after years of the single life, finally finding someone to um, er, reflect with. Yea, that's what it was.

Do you have JOY? The only true path to happiness is through Jesus 1st, Others 2nd Yourself last. To the average Jane Doe, this acronym probably sounds like a cutesy way to remember your manners. I have seen many a-proverbs-31-woman overwhelmed, overworked, overwithchilded, and overpatriarched. <-- yea, I made up two words, so what!!?

My fundamentalism became a systematic routine of pleasing others. At the expense of my own health, finances and sanity. Striving to appear a virtuous ruby in a sea of worldy cubic zirconium. A quiet suppression of emotions in order to live a life that I thought was 'pleasing to the saviour.'

I browse other fundamentalist blogs from time to time, and see the smiling faces on the big families. Prim, proper, neat. I often wonder what's behind the smile? Although I don't fault anyone living that type of life, some of those motherduggars are living a sugarcoated lie.


  1. Glad you're back!
    I used to take Proverbs 31 pretty damned seriously... and look where that led :)

    It was so cool to hone in on that lengthy passage of virtue and strength directed to Women Only - no boys allowed! It was so cool in part because very little else was actually directed specifically toward women - it got tiresome to filter all the boys club talk through a woman's sieve.

    Damn - I used to really, really like this passage. Now it makes me laugh. Thanks :)

  2. Hmm..virtue & strength..I knew a family that had Prov 31 taped on the fridge. :-)
