Monday, March 15, 2010

On the eighth day, God created H8

I was listening to a fundamentalist attention whore the other day & the topic was Homosexuality. Gay hate is the last frontier for popular sermon bashing. It's sad that we live in a day where people's religious choices effect an entire high school prom. What about that students right not to adhere to the Bible Belt forcing her in the closet? Homo hate is nothing new in religious circles, but it's one of the most oppressing. On the extreme, you've got preachers yelling that God turned them gay & that they can't even be saved. So an entire group of people is damned to hell because of they way they were born? Some churches even have retraining courses for gays. The problem is that this teaches that's not ok to be gay, but rather they must change to conform. This leaves xtian gays with a wonderful lifelong celibacy, loneliness, dateless, masturbationless existence. Well I've decided to keep it real here. Every two weeks Whenever the hell I feel like it, I'll post a pic of women that I find hot. Here's my Lesbian Idol:


1 comment:

  1. Love Ellen. She is my hero. I love your blog and I am going to add you to my bloglist! Thanks for the comment on mine. :)

